The Sperm and Embryo Bank of New Jersey, Inc
   Cryopreservation services for Sperm, Embryos & Eggs for future transplant

The Sperm and Embryo Bank of New Jersey Inc.™, (SEBNJ) provides cryopreservation of reproductive cells & tissue for individuals who desire to store his/her own sperm, oocytes (eggs), ovarian tissue and other reproductive cell(s) & tissue due to possible impairment of his/her reproductive (fertility) capabilities.

SEBNJ, was established in 1989, is an independent and privately owned reproductive cell & tissue bank located in New Jersey.

I need to store my Sperm Transfer & Store Reproductive Cell(s)/Tissue We can store Ovarian Tissue and Eggs Embryo Donation Protocol Oocyte Donation Protocol We can screen your Directed Donor Transport & Transfer Services US & Worldwide

SEBNJ is FDA registered as a Reproductive Cell & Tissue Bank.

SEBNJ is licensed by:

The New Jersey Department of Health as a Laboratory under CLIA.

The New York State Department of Health as a Reproductive Cell & Tissue Bank.

For up-to-date information or to arrange for a personal appointment.
You may contact one of our Client Service Coordinators:             
Land line: 800-637-7776 or 908-232-6844 E-mail:


2013 © The Sperm and Embryo Bank of New Jersey Inc.™ | Changes may occur without prior notice.